Current Prices (Single Phase)

Prices Indicated are Valid as of June 2024.

The Pricing indicated Here is of a general nature for a Simple Installation and may vary depending on the Site

13.2 Kw Sungrow/JA

10 Kw Sungrow Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw Sungrow Battery

30 JA Solar (JAM54D40) 440 W Panels


13.2 Kw SAJ/Eging

10 Kw SAJ Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw SAJ Battery

30 Eging (EG-440NT54-HLV/30) 440W Panels


8.6 Kw Sungrow/JA

6 Kw Sungrow Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw Sungrow Battery

19 JA Solar (JAM54D40) 440W Panels


8.6 Kw SAJ/Eging

5 Kw SAJ Hybrid Inverter

10 KW SAJ Battery

19 Eging (EG-440NT54-HLV/30) 440W Panels


 Pricing on other system types can be done if you have a particular brand of equipment that you wish to have installed.

We visit all sites for a comprehensive measure and quote before we contract to do anything, No one wants surprises on installation day.


Current Prices (Three Phase)

Prices Indicated are Valid as of June 2024.

The Pricing indicated Here is of a general nature for a Simple Installation and may vary depending on the Site


19.8 Kw Sungrow/Ja

10 Kw Sungrow Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw Sungrow Battery

45 JA Solar (JAM54D40) 440 W Panels


19.8 Kw SAJ/Eging

10 Kw SAJ Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw SAJ Battery

45 Eging (EG-440NT54-HLV/30) 440W Panels


19.8 Kw Sungrow/Eging

10 Kw Sungrow Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw Sungrow Battery

45 Eging ( EG-440NT54-HLV/30) 440W Panels


13.2 Kw SAJ/Eging

8 Kw SAJ Hybrid Inverter

10 KW SAJ Battery

30 Eging (EG-440NT54-HLV/30) 440W Panels



Current Prices Conversion from String Inverter to Hybrid and Battery

The following Prices are for People that already have solar and want to remove the Current String inverter and change to a Hybrid and add a Battery.

The Pricing indicated Here is of a general nature for a Simple Installation and may vary depending on the Site

SAJ 5Kw Single Phase Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw SAJ BAttery


SAJ 5Kw Three Phase Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw SAJ Battery 


Sungrow 6 kw Single Phase Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw Sungrow Battery


Sungrow 6 Kw Three Phase Hybrid Inverter

10 Kw Sungrow Battery
